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Daylife News Module

The Daylife News Module for Joomla 1.5 allows you to connect to Daylife news feeds using the Daylife API (DayPI). Once connected, your site can show content pulled in with Daylife. You can select the news topics with these module parameters:

Module Parameters

Access Key:- Identifies the user. It is sent in the query string parameter 'accesskey'. Obtained by registering on Daylife at this address and it will then appear in top left hand corner when you are logged in.

Shared Secret:- A shared key between Daylife and the API user. This key should never be sent in an API call. Once registered and logged in this also shows in top left hand corner of the Daylife site just under the Access Key.

Start Time:- This is the time furthest in the past from which you want articles to be found. So if you wanted all articles from Christmas Day 2008 you would put 2008-12-25. If this is left blank and the days from now is filled in then it will work this out from the end time.

End Time:- This is the most recent time to search up until. So if we wanted to search all articles from Christmas Day 2008 until New Year's Day you would enter an end time of 2009-01-01.

Days from now:- If this is filled in then it will search for any article from the end time to an earlier date specified by the days from now. So if we wanted the week before Christmas Day 2008 we could set the end time as 2008-12-25 and the days from now as 7. This will search from 2008-12-18 until 2008-12-25. If no date is given in the End Date then the date will roll so if 5 is placed in the days from now it will always be 5 days before and up to the moment the page loaded.

Enter some text:- The module using the DayPI (Day Life API) allows full-text searching of news content. It can accept queries with that are composed of up to 32 terms. Each term is considered to be a word. The logical operators are not counted in these 32 terms. A single word can be used but if a phrase is used it must be enclosed in double quotes. These are case insensitive. These words or quotes can be joined together with Boolean operators to form a more complex query. Searching just the title of an article is done like this:- title:joomla. Searching title and articles like this:- "open source" AND title:joomla which brings back articles containing "open source" and with joomla in the title. For full documentation and the full list of operators that can be used please see

Use the meta keywords for search:- If set to Use first keyword for title only search, then this will allow the module to use the first meta keyword or phrase of the article as the word to use to search the daylife titles. If Use first keyword for title and body search then it will use the first keyword in the title and body search. If Use first keyword for title and all keywords for body search then the first word or phrase will be used for title but all of the keywords or phrases for the body search. If Use first keyword for body search then the first word or phrase will be used for the body search. If Use all keywords for body search then all the keywords or phrases will be used for the body search.

Results to be returned:- The number of results you would like to show in the module. If it cannot find enough in the date range specified, it will just bring back those it can find.

Offsets the results:- Usually the most relevant results will be returned, but if you place 25 here and 10 in the number returned, it will bring back 10 results starting from the 25th most relevant to the 35th most relevant.

Sort:- Allow for sorting by chronologically ascending 'date', by weighted 'relevance' or by the default daterank (a mixture of the two), an option to sort by combination of date and relevance.

Advanced Parameters

Protocol:- phprest. Returns data in a form directly deserializable to native PHP objects.

Server Address:- The server address to connect to, usually "".

Access Level:- The type of access, usually "publicapi".

Daylife Version:- DayPI uses a Major.Minor.Patch version scheme. See this online guide for more details

Source filter id:- A way of filtering the returns. See this online guide for more details

Include Scores:- Helpful for debugging.

Other Parameters

Module Class Suffix:- Adds a suffix to the class to help style your module.

Enable Cache:- Will enable the Joomla! cache, useful for limiting the requests to Daylife.

Style Type:- How the results will be returned, as a list, in paragraphs or in divisions.

URL Styling:- The styling of the URLs returned. Can be None, Bold, Italic, or Bold and Italic.

Time Stamp Styling:- The styling of the time stamps returned. Can be None, Bold, Italic, or Bold and Italic.

Excerpt Styling:- The styling of the excerpts returned. Can be None, Bold, Italic, or Bold and Italic.

Source Styling:- The styling of the sources returned. Can be None, Bold, Italic, or Bold and Italic.

Include Date:- Whether to show the date and if so whether it should appear on a new line.

Include Excerpt:- Whether to show the excerpt and if so whether it should appear on a new line.

Include Source:- Whether to show the source and if so whether it should appear on a new line.

Title Length:- Sometimes the titles can be too long for the module so this allows you to set a maximum number of characters. It will make sure it is to the nearest word under the length set and if it is not possible to complete a word then it will truncate the word.

Title Truncater:- Characters to show if the title is truncated.

Date Spacer:- Specify the spacer you would want to break up the title and date if both are on the same line.

Source Spacer:- Specify the spacer you would want to break up the date and source (or title and source if date is not set to show).

Add Bottom Padding:- Ability to add bottom padding to your articles returned to help space them from one another.

Include Target:- Whether the link opens in the browser window replacing your page or in a frame set or in a new window or tab. Blank opens the new document in a new window. Parent is used in the situation where a frameset file is nested inside another frameset file. A link in one of the inner frameset documents which uses parent will load the new document where the inner frameset file had been. Self puts the new document in the same window and frame as the current document. Self works the same as if you had not used TARGET at all. Top loads the linked document in the topmost frame... that is, the new page fills the entire window.

Footer:- You can specify a footer to show at the bottom of your module.

Show Footer:- Switch the footer on or off.

Show Daylife Badge:- You can choose to show the Daylife badge or not and if so which one out of a choice of white background or black background.

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